What We Do

Botswana Scouts Association is the largest voluntary, non-political educational movement for young people (in and out of school) in Botswana, with more than 26,000 Scouts (35 percent female) who are led and supported by nearly 1 500 adult volunteers.

We contribute to the education of young people, through a value based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in the society.

Child Protection Statement: The Botswana Scouts Association is committed to providing care and protection to all children involved in all its activities as well as safe-guarding them from any form of discrimination. The Association recognizes that all children have a right to protection from harm. The needs of special categories of children including those with disabilities are taken into account while implementing the Child Protection Procedures. The Association has developed the Child Protection Policy that aims at providing children with appropriate safety and protection while under the care of the Association. The policy also enables the adults in scouting to make informed and confident response to specific child protection issues while dealing with children. The protecting all children who participate in its activities and those who are in contact with adults of the Organisation.

Breach of this policy forms sufficient grounds for disciplinary action including termination of employment, severance of any kind of engagement with the Botswana Scouts Association, and or in some cases institute a legal action.


And Yet Another Subheading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac quam risus, at tempus justo. Sed dictum rutrum massa eu volutpat. Quisque vitae hendrerit sem. Pellentesque lorem felis, ultricies a bibendum id, bibendum sit amet nisl. Mauris et lorem quam. Maecenas rutrum imperdiet vulputate. Nulla quis nibh ipsum, sed egestas justo. Morbi ut ante mattis orci convallis tempor. Etiam a lacus a lacus pharetra porttitor quis accumsan odio. Sed vel euismod nisi. Etiam convallis rhoncus dui quis euismod. Maecenas lorem tellus, congue et condimentum ac, ullamcorper non sapien. Donec sagittis massa et leo semper a scelerisque metus faucibus. Morbi congue mattis mi. Phasellus sed nisl vitae risus tristique volutpat. Cras rutrum commodo luctus.

Phasellus odio risus, faucibus et viverra vitae, eleifend ac purus. Praesent mattis, enim quis hendrerit porttitor, sapien tortor viverra magna, sit amet rhoncus nisl lacus nec arcu. Suspendisse laoreet metus ut metus imperdiet interdum aliquam justo tincidunt. Mauris dolor urna, fringilla vel malesuada ac, dignissim eu mi. Praesent mollis massa ac nulla pretium pretium. Maecenas tortor mauris, consectetur pellentesque dapibus eget, tincidunt vitae arcu. Vestibulum purus augue, tincidunt sit amet iaculis id, porta eu purus.

BSA: Botswana Scouts Association

Learn More

This Is Important

Anyone can become a member of the Botswana Scouts Association, The Association is aimed at character at character among school going and out of school youth. Elder and other community members are welcome to join the Association.

Also Important

The Association has offices in most parts of the country and active scouting groups, we aim to establish strong partnerships nationaly and internationally. We also aim to groom youngster equipping them with skills beyond the classroom setup.

Important Notice !

All members go through a vetting process by the Botswana Police Service, this is a mandatory background check for all who wish to join the movement.

A gigantic heading you can use for whatever

With a much smaller subtitle hanging out just below it

The First Thing

Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis et quis, nibh. Sed et dapibus nisl amet mattis, sed a rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu.

The Second Thing

Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis et quis, nibh. Sed et dapibus nisl amet mattis, sed a rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu.

The Third Thing

Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis et quis, nibh. Sed et dapibus nisl amet mattis, sed a rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu.

The Fourth Thing

Duis neque nisi, dapibus sed mattis et quis, nibh. Sed et dapibus nisl amet mattis, sed a rutrum accumsan sed. Suspendisse eu.

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