Botswana Scouts Association

Founded in 1907, by Lord Baden Powell, the scouting movement was designed to contribute to young people’s education and development by providing a safe environment where young people could learn and grow by doing and discovering for themselves, while experiencing fun, adventure, and challenge. Today, Scouting has evolved into a global movement with over 40 million members worldwide, consisting of 175 National Scout Organizations.


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Botswana scouts is non- government organization of young people that strive to build the character of its members, with knowledge, skills, life lessons beyond the classroom to help them mature and succeed as they become adults. Scouting offers young people a variety of benefits such as learning by doing and leadership opportunities amongst others.

Our Mission

The mission of scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in the society.

Our Vision

Creating a better world for young people to play a constructive role in the society.

Scout Motto

Be prepared.

Principles of the Scout Movement.

The Scouts Movement is based on the following principles.

1. Duty to God

Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them; and acceptance of the duties resulting there from.

2. Duty to Others

Loyalty to one’s country in harmony with the promotion of local, national and international peace, understanding and cooperation; participation in the development of society with recognition; and respect for the dignity of one’s fellow human beings and for the integrity of the natural world.

3. Duty to Self

Responsibility for development of oneself.

The Scout Promise and Law
The Scout Promise

“On my honour, I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people at all times and to obey the Scout Law.”

The Scout Law
  • A Scout‘s honour is to be trusted.
  • A Scout is loyal.
  • A Scout is helpful.
  • A Scout is friendly.
  • A Scout is respectful and kind.
  • A Scout conserves nature.
  • A Scout is obedient.
  • A Scout is cheerful and courageous.
  • A Scout is thrifty.
  • A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.


The Scout Method is an essential system for achieving the educational proposal of the Scout Movement. It is defined as a system of progressive self-education. It is one method based on the interactions of equally important elements that work together as a cohesive system, and the implementation of these elements in a combined balanced manner is what makes Scouting unique.

The Scout Method is a fundamental aspect of Scouting and is expressed through the following elements:

  • The Scout Promise and Law: A personal voluntary commitment to a set of shared values, which is the foundation of everything a Scout does and a Scout wants to be. The Promise and Law are central to the Scout Method
  • Learning by Doing: The use of practical actions (real life experiences) and reflection(s) to facilitate ongoing learning and development.
  • Personal Progression: A progressive learning journey focused on motivating and challenging an individual to continually develop, through a wide variety of learning opportunities.
  • Team System: The use of small teams as a way to participate in collaborative learning, with the aim of developing effective team work, inter-personal skills, leadership as well as building a sense of responsibility and belonging.
  • Adult Support: Adults facilitating and supporting young people to create learning opportunities and through a culture of partnership to turn these opportunities into meaningful experiences.
  • Symbolic Framework: A unifying structure of themes and symbols to facilitate learning and the development of a unique identity as a Scout.
  • Nature: Learning opportunities in the outdoors which encourage a better understanding of and a relationship with the wider environment.
  • Community Involvement: Active exploration and commitment to communities and the wider world, fostering greater appreciation and understanding between people.
  • Scouts Sections: Active Scouts are organized in the following sections: 
    • Cub Scouts: 6-11 years
    •  Scouts12-17 years
    •  Rover Scouts: 18-23 years
    • Adults: 24-75 years.

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