Botswana Scouts Association
Founded in 1907, by Lord Baden Powell, the scouting movement was designed to contribute to young people’s education and development by providing a safe environment where young people could learn and grow by doing and discovering for themselves, while experiencing fun, adventure, and challenge. Today, Scouting has evolved into a global movement with over 40 million members worldwide, consisting of 175 National Scout Organizations.
New and Current BSA logo
Old BSA Logo Robert Baden Powell
Botswana scouts is non- government organization of young people that strive to build the character of its members, with knowledge, skills, life lessons beyond the classroom to help them mature and succeed as they become adults. Scouting offers young people a variety of benefits such as learning by doing and leadership opportunities amongst others.
Our Mission
The mission of scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in the society.
Our Vision
Creating a better world for young people to play a constructive role in the society.
Scout Motto
Be prepared.
Principles of the Scout Movement.
The Scouts Movement is based on the following principles.
Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them; and acceptance of the duties resulting there from.
Loyalty to one’s country in harmony with the promotion of local, national and international peace, understanding and cooperation; participation in the development of society with recognition; and respect for the dignity of one’s fellow human beings and for the integrity of the natural world.
Responsibility for development of oneself.